Published Date: 17 October 2023

Where it all began

Where it all began

How it all started

Founded by former Head of Commercial at Slot Factory, Charles Mott and industry veteran Kevin McGinnigle, S Gaming was nothing short of a crazy idea around a dinner table between two industry colleagues who had never quite managed to get anything going between their previous ventures. However, this time it was different. Kevin wanted to start a soft, recreational content company to complement one of his other products. Charles had the experience, contacts, and ambition to bring it to life. After months of deliberation, persuasion and many meetings that involved food, Kevin finally convinced Charles to take the leap of faith, and so S Gaming was born.


Who is involved?

Founders are nothing without a team and S Gaming has one of the best around. Based in the UK, those behind the magic are highly experienced in creating soft, fun and recreational game content, having collectively built and distributed over 400 games over the last decade. Their experience of working together over the years has helped foster an immediate culture of togetherness as everyone knows their role, where they’re going and why. Charles, now CEO of S Gaming, believes this is key to scaling a successful content studio, “It’s all well and good having a bunch of great game concepts or fancy IP to bring to the table. However, if you don’t have a team capable of delivering the vision, you will waste a lot of time, money, and energy.”


To add to this, Charles believes S Gaming’s strength is combination of a few things, “I’m very fortunate to have received incredible backing and support throughout the journey so far; from operators to investors, team mates to annoying co-founders. I’m determined to make this a huge success for everyone involved and I know we have the right people around the table to make that happen”. We will reveal more about this over the next few weeks.


What are the games like?

“How can we make this, look, feel and play like a game that people will want to come back to, time and time again?”. This is the consistent thought process throughout the business, says Charles. To help with this, all S Gaming games are designed slightly different to the more traditional slot. They’re built portrait first and the bonus round mechanic is always in view to the player. Generally, you can figure out what is happening with just a few spins. Charles believes this style of content,  “keeps things easy to understand, transparent and ensures players know how the bonus round looks and feels, should they trigger it.”. The games are also stunning; the level of detail that goes into the visuals are incredible, with lots of what you see in the games hand drawn from our highly skilled artist.


Where can you find S Gaming games?

A unique launch strategy means that you’ll be able to find S Gaming content across most Tier 1 operators from December 2023. With over 20 games expected to launch in year one, S Gaming hope to have captured a large share of the UK market by this time next year. It’s ambitious, but why not reach for the stars?


What does Charles think?

“In the next couple of months, we’ll get to release more information. This will show you why I’m so excited to get S Gaming off the ground. On paper, we have everything we need to make this a success. As long as we work hard, do the right things and continue to push on as we have in our first six months, we’ll be OK”.


All S Gaming news articles will be published here and on LinkedIn, click here to follow the page and ensure you don’t miss out on what is shaping up to be an interesting launch for S Gaming.